The Alinco DR-135 series features a full-featured 2 Meter 50 watt FM transceiver with an alphanumeric display (up to seven characters), 100 memory channels aircraft (AM) plus extended receive. Three power outputs (50/10/5 watts) are available. CTCSS encode and decode are standard. The receive range is 118-135.995 MHz (AM) and 136-173.995 MHz (FM). This radio is 5.55 x 1.61 x 6.06 inches 1.9 Lbs (141x41x154mm 0.86 kg). Enter the digital age with the optional EJ-40U. The DR-135 series each include the EMS-56 DTMF Hand Mic, mobile bracket, DC cord, alarm cable and mounting hardware.
The DR-135T has a black case. The pewter colored versions are no longer available. The "P" versions include the EJ-41U Packet option factory installed.
100 Memories
Front Panel GPS Input for APRS
Ignition Key On/Off Feature
Ten Autodial Memories
Theft Deterrent System
Large Alphanumeric LCD
Timer Out Timer
Airband Receive
Optional TNC
DTMF Microphone